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The Old XBOX Megathread


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How is the multi? I think it was Midget in the Sony thread that alluded it's a bit different to that of Paradise.

Got my fair share of idiots on Forza too. 'Hey, a corner, let's drive 200mph into it and hope to crash off each other and make it out the other side.'

I feel like the bumpers at a bowling alley that they use for noobies.

Either I get smashed into the wall at the first turn or someone ahead of me does and they spin out and I crash into them.

Really want to trade it in whilst it's still worth £30 at CEX but I've only got a couple of achievements left to get. :shifty:

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My previous post was basically my entire experience. I got a team race in as well which was better, but it's just a nightmare trying to get anything organised. That and there's no proper starts. You get to the meeting point, and at some point the event will start, but it doesn't formally arrange you into a grid or anything. So you could be several yards from the line and facing the wrong way when the race starts if you're not careful.

Like I say, I'm sure it'll be fine once there's people I know to play with. That goes for Autolog too.

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How is the multi? I think it was Midget in the Sony thread that alluded it's a bit different to that of Paradise.

It's open-world (complete with fences and billboards to find/crash through), but Criterion did a great job of making each car feel different. It feels just enough like GT5/Forza so that if you know your cars, you know what to expect. For instance, the BMWs handle excellently but have been hell for me to maintain a lead with due to the other cars being faster. The Ariel Atom, meanwhile, flops around like a noodle until you mod it, but is just so damn light that you can recover from a mistake or two.

Haven't tried multi yet, but I suspect it'll have its fair share of "OOH THAT WALL LOOKS PURDY" and people who only pick the Veyron. Would love to race a bunch of you mongrels over on the PS3 side, though.

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I love the Ariel cars.

And the online is a lot of fun, really dig the challenges...although it kinda sucks when everyone else has unlocked super cars and you're stuck with the starter vehicles :shifty:

And two out of three times I've been dropped during or right after the first challenge.

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