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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I'd be down for some ME3. Just haven't seen you on lately.

Probably won't be getting Halo 4 for a while, if ever. Reach just turned me off the series, and that was something that even ODST couldn't do.

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I noticed the new COD has quite a few online trophies/achievements. That'll go down well...not.

Although if ever I was going to go through the frustration of playing a COD game online for any length of time, getting something out of it like that would be considered a bonus.

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The Treyarch ones usually do, it was the IW ones that didn't cause I guess they wanted people to just play and not alter their playstyle for the sake of achievements.

I guess that might have changed on MW3 since IW isn't what it was. I never played it though.

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The Treyarch ones usually do, it was the IW ones that didn't cause I guess they wanted people to just play and not alter their playstyle for the sake of achievements.

The only COD game I've played was the first Black Ops, and that didn't have online achievements. There was one for completing the "training" which you could do with a friend, though.

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I noticed the new COD has quite a few online trophies/achievements. That'll go down well...not.

Although if ever I was going to go through the frustration of playing a COD game online for any length of time, getting something out of it like that would be considered a bonus.

I thought people only ever bought CoD to play online, anyway. That factor might be the difference between me ignoring and buying it this year. Online trophies are good for a game that is basically only fun when online.

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