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The Barclays Premier League thread 2015/2016


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Jordan Henderson and Danny Ings are on the bench for Liverpool!

Also Segi Canos who just finished his season on loan at Brentford is among the subs.




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1 hour ago, Cymbols said:

The difference mate, is that when Newcastle relegated themselves against us a few years back, we were in 6th place. This season, it was a little hypocritical of your lot to be giving it all that when you yourselves were sitting pretty in 18th or wherever.

But the biggest point that I think the Newcastle fans missed was that it's all well and good mocking Villa, but you won't be able to outdo us in mocking ourselves. Oh and I don't think that we shed any tears. 

You realise I'm not defending Newcastle fans, right? My point was, and still is, that the fans flying the banner over St. James' Park are awful. As are the Villa fans who got off on Newcastle getting relegated in 2009, as far as the Geordies that did the same to Villa fans this year. Not ALL fans, but the specific ones that get off on other people's misery.

2 hours ago, Just Joe said:

Afwful is a bit strong isn't it? I mean if you can't handle a bit of piss taking you need to get a grip. The same people that are getting bent out of shape about things like this are the ones that dish it out on a regular basis. 

For every fan that takes the piss or pays into a flyover there are many more that raise money for other causes related to football, the fact that Sunderland Supporters banded together to raise £22,000 after the Malaysia Airlines disaster is an indication of that, swings and roundabouts. 

There is 'a bit of piss taking' and there is going out of your way to spend money on a plane to fly a banner over a stadium to mock over 50,000 people (well, maybe not this weekend) over something they are genuinely gutted about. I mean, think of the children! <_< I'm not offended by this because I'm a Newcastle fan, I'm offended by this because I actually enjoy the sport but the nasty, petty culture that comes with football has turned me off the game. End of the day, if it upsets people then it isn't 'banter', its just being a dick.

And just to stress, because your defence of fans who raise money, etc. seems to suggest you aren't seeing my point, I am not criticising the entire fan base. My criticism is of those few who glory in other people's misery. Unfortunately they are a very vocal contingent. Then again what the fuck do I even care? I watch about three football games a year. :rolleyes:

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Ah I see you're trying to get an advantage over City by kicking off later than them :shifty:

Edited by Part-Time Davidmarrio
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City up already through Iheanacho. Goal was seemingly allowed, ruled offside after the celebrations, only for Mike Dean to then decide he was allowing it after all.

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Bet you some dozy bastard left their bag when they went to go the toilet or get a hot dog. 

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1 minute ago, Rocky Horror Szumi Show said:

City up already through Iheanacho. Goal was seemingly allowed, ruled offside after the celebrations, only for Mike Dean to then decide he was allowing it after all.

Ian Nacho

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Is it Wednesday yet <_<

West Brom are up 1-0 because no one can stick a foot out and make a tackle. Also Bogdan is shite and should have saved it. 

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12 minutes ago, Rocky Horror Szumi Show said:

City up already through Iheanacho. Goal was seemingly allowed, ruled offside after the celebrations, only for Mike Dean to then decide he was allowing it after all.

Bloody refs always fixing it for City.

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