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2022–23 NBA season


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44 minutes ago, DMN in the House said:

I hope he asks a homeless man who to draft again. Also, prepare for the Bucks to sign Miles Bridges to a huge contract.

Sorry, I don't think anyone in the NBA currently reaches Deshaun Watson levels, so Miles Bridges is who we got for the joke. Jim Haslem is a piece of shit and if he buys the Bucks I hope Giannis leaves them.

He wouldn't be buying them outright, Wes Edens would still be controlling owner so the only silver lining I can take from this is that Haslam would just be used to write checks to not worry about the tax as much. Pretty sure Lasry got washed in the crypto crash. But guys who bought minority stakes in teams don't always stay that way so either way this sucks. 

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As much as Craig Carton makes me want to rip off my ears, I do like Evan Roberts and had to tune into their show when those Harden rumors were going on in 2021.  Roberts being a huge Nets fan was outspoken about how awful of a trade it would be and he just went nuclear when the news came in, and only spiraled more when he heard what they were giving up.  And Carton just egged him on further.

Of course by the end he talked himself into "OK this trade sucks but it's done, if they win a title nobody will care about this crippling long term damage"....welp.

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19 hours ago, Maxx said:

Utah: hey stop saying this state is full of racists!

Also Utah:


While I still stand by what I said in my earlier post, and will agree that Utah does have a ton of racists people, reports are coming out that all in-arena entertainment is being done and arranged by the NBA and there teams, so there is a great likely hood somebody not from Utah was responsible for this.

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