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2013 NFL Season Thread


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Better than Johnny Football?!? :o To be fair he is like the only college player I have heard of but that must mean he is really good

Tim Tebow was really good in college. Just sayin'.

Yes but I still love Tebow anyway. So Johnny is kind of right in my wheelhouse (I dont know what a wheelhouse is but I've heard it so he's there!) :P

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So now Dumervil is a Free Agent who is free of his agent.

And, a team is actually offering Tim Tebow a contract: The Orlando Predators of the Arena Football League. I say "Take it, Timmy!"

Edited by GhostMachine
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There is a scheduling conflict in Baltimore the night of Sept. 5 as the Orioles have a home game that night and the Ravens are supposed to host the NFL opener that night. The whole situation is a mess, the stadiums are next to each other and the city cannot support both teams playing at the same time. It's not a conflict that the city really ever needs to deal with, basically this scenario is one and the other is an Orioles home playoff game interfering with a primetime Ravens home game.

Why don't the Orioles move their game around? Well it could be in the heat of a penant race, both them and the White Sox are on the road for night games the day before. This is the only time Chicago comes to town in the season, and there are no off days on either end.

Why don't the Ravens move the game to Wednesday? Rosh Hashanah.

The only solutions I have off the top of my head are that the O's and ChiSox move their Wednesday games to another day in the season and then create a travel day so the two can play Thursday during the day; or, the game gets moved to Wednesday and Jews just can't buy concessions at the stadium or something.

A lot of people in the city are not happy about this now that word has gotten out, hosting the season opener is a big deal (unless Kid Rock or Nickelback or Daughtry show up to play some songs). It's one of those nearly unforeseeable conflicts though, and outside of playing the game on Wednesday I really can't see a solution that represents all the teams' interests otherwise.

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The Orioles should absolutely be the ones moving. They've got 50+ home games a year. The Ravens have 8, its the season opener and they just won the Super Bowl.

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Yeah the Orioles should definitely have to shift it, baseball is on all the fucking time, hosting the season opener could be once a generation thing.

If not though, what about Friday night or Satuday night?

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Yeah there's no way it's not the Orioles that end up moving. The baseball season is too long to not be able to work something out.

If not though, what about Friday night or Satuday night?

The NFL would never do that, ratings would take too much of a hit. The playoffs are an exception because it's the playoffs but regular season games would be hit hard, especially that early in the season when the weather is still fairly decent.

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The Orioles play home night games on Friday and Saturday. The Orioles would have already moved the game, I'm certain, if it wouldn't set off a domino effect of scheduling in baseball. Again, if they move it to the daytime on Thursday then the Wednesday games both them and Chicago play on the road have to be moved to the day, which then requires 2 more teams to sign off on moving games around. In a perfect world the O's would just do a doubleheader on Friday, but I'm sure they and Chicago will complain about that too since it could be coming "in a pennant race."

And, yes, hosting the season opener is all anyone here cares about. All the comments basically read along those lines.

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Well, it looks like the Nationals are on a road trip then (wouldn't have played that day anyways) so if the MLB doesn't budge on the date, I would think an alternate site (I don't know the geography so if D.C.'s not the closest, another one) would be the most logical option.

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D.C. is an hour away, but that's tough because it messes with the grounds crew's schedule there. Orioles essentially lose a home game for a neutral site game (in their eyes).

The Rosh Hashanah line is just an excuse by the NFL to pain the Orioles and MLB in a bad light. They could just as easily move the game to a Wednesday night, still get gigantic ratings, still have a great atmosphere in Baltimore, and not cause a potential scheduling nightmare for a number of baseball teams. It would be great if there was just an easy move for the O's and White Sox to make, but their reasoning for not moving the game is because of the difficulty in doing such. The White Sox, with good reason, don't want to spend the time and money to travel to Baltimore on an off-day in the middle of the season.

As time has passed since I read this story initially my thoughts have gone from "They should stop whining and play a day game on Thursday" to "The NFL should start getting plans ready for Wednesday in the case the baseball game cannot be easily moved."

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It looks like they took the Chargers current uniforms and gave them the Chargers' mid 90's color scheme. Then added a patch.

How many times are the Jags going to change their uniforms? No one is watching, it doesn't matter what you look like.

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