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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2013 (E3)

King Ellis

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What answer would you prefer he had given outside of 'Oh, turns out that whole 'used games' business was a huge cockup! Our bad, you won't have to connect every 24 hours after all. Sorry!'?

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What answer would you prefer he had given outside of 'Oh, turns out that whole 'used games' business was a huge cockup! Our bad, you won't have to connect every 24 hours after all. Sorry!'?

That woudl be the only acceptable answer!

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It's not our job to find a better alternative. He's the guy that's paid to come up with the answers. What he said, and the way he said it came across as pretty dismissive and sneering, and by the end interview you can tell he knows it is bad PR.

People don't like it, so it is obviously bad PR.

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Some sort of acknowledgement of the fact that they have forgotten about an entire section of their consumer base would be nice. Even if his answer is that the Xbox One isn't going to support non-connected households, a little bit of sympathy goes a long way. The whole idea of "Well, too bad for you" is such a slap in the face to people who won't be able to use the system.

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Admitting they've made a bad decision would be much worse PR.

Not necessarily. I mean, they could always admit that and say that they will work on fixing the issue in the future.

Or, admit that the new console is going to be unavailable for certain people due to measures beyond their control, that they sympathize with those customers and that the 360 will have continued support.

Instead, he basically just said "Oh, well, too bad for you."

No sympathy whatsoever. That's the worst possible thing he could have done.

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Its just another "deal with it."

What could have he had said? He doesn't have to apologize. Or admit anything. But as pointed out earlier, shrugging and saying "then don't upgrade.That's your alternative" makes backs go up and people find those other alternatives.

In other words, you're representing your company in a formal manner. Be prepared. He wasn't and comes off nonchalant in his lack of caring about honest concern with issues they implementated.

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Lawl, PS4 FIRST PARTY games are the Only ones to guarantee no DRM for used games.


Opens a while new flood gate and possibilities

It does, but if you're EA and you've witnessed the backlash to XBone would you really risk it on PS4? Consumer goodwill is really, really important.

But, since the PS4 doesn't need to be connected to the internet it makes it really hard to enforce anything. Basically on PS4 you can probably get around DRM the way I've been doing it with music, movies, etc. for a fucking decade.

EA has said that the Online Pass scheme is entirely scrapped, completely dead. Wasn't making them enough money to make up for the shitty rep they were getting. Basically they were prohibiting some people from trying features (Ultimate Team) that they perhaps would have ended up paying for and also a lot of people who don't give a shit about online are the ones who buy the game used, so they weren't fussed about not having a pass.

Microsoft employee shills Microsoft product.

We've got the most shocking news story of the year here, folks.

I think it's more than that though. It's the way he said what he said. He basically just told us that it's not Microsoft's problem if your situation can't support the ridiculous changes that they made, that they should have known would be alienating a large portion of their audience. And their solution to the problem? Stick with the 360, which is an inferior product to the Xbox One, and won't have support for long after the drop of the Xbox One. They're not going to continue to support the 360 throughout the entire life cycle of the Xbox One. So he just said that they don't care about a large group of the consumers.

That's a big deal.

It isn't Microsoft's problem. They've designed a machine that heavily relies on stable, possibly high-speed internet connectivity. If you don't have that, you're not the target market. There's not much else he could have done with that question.

Christ, I'm not particularly happy about the murky Kinect/online/used situation, but instead of throwing my toys out of the pram like a child, I'm considering a PS4. Vote with your wallet.

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To be honest, I'm really just happy that the company's themselves made my choice about what system I'm getting.

I'm sure that the Xbox One will eventually end up in my home, and that they'll do some damage control to fix the things that upset people. It's just not a good business strategy to do what they're doing when they're competing against a company that is offering a safer choice for those who felt snubbed by Microsoft.

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Clearer xbox one details all in one place with sources. Someone took the time to put all the current Xbox one details together in better clarity on reddit.


So basically the only thing that MS has against them it seems if I am not mistaken is the whole 24 hr check for your account and 1 hr check if a friends account if I am reading right from how they wrre being knocked?

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Clearer xbox one details all in one place with sources. Someone took the time to put all the current Xbox one details together in better clarity on reddit.


So basically the only thing that MS has against them it seems if I am not mistaken is the whole 24 hr check for your account and 1 hr check if a friends account if I am reading right from how they wrre being knocked?

Used games installed to hard drive: And with a 500GB hard drive, blu-ray games that can take up 40-50GB easily, that'll be used up quick

Privacy: To turn on your Xbox One, its listening for "Xbox on". The subtle thing about this, though, it means ITS ALWAYS LISTENING. It'll always be listening to hear "Xbox on", so who knows what a well-read hacker can do with that...

DRM: If they can make you play a game offline, its a non-issue. Why? Suddenly, installing a game loses its a appeal if the DRM requires you to put the disc in the tray.

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Also why is it PC mic and web cam can be hacked, you can be spied on because of that, oh I dont give a shit to worry about that is the typical worry.

Oh a video game console can spy on me now possibly? GRAB THE TORCHES AND PITCH FORKS!!!

Talk about hypocrisy at its finest.

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I see what it said about the kinect but that thing still scares me and it said Dead Rising will listen for if make a loud noise and make the Zombies hear? I don't want that nonsense. What if the kids yell? Or I get a phone call? Or if I want to tell the game to fuck off? I don't want my game to have the ability to get offended if I curse at it because I curse at it a lot!

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Also why is it PC mic and web cam can be hacked, you can be spied on because of that, oh I dont give a shit to worry about that is the typical worry.

Oh a video game console can spy on me now possibly? GRAB THE TORCHES AND PITCH FORKS!!!

Talk about hypocrisy at its finest.

Why are you getting so defensive? Do you work for MS?

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No, but ifnalot of the worries had come true Id go strictly PC. Honestly I want to see both consoles survive so we can eventually keep either company from dominanting the main market since Nintendo has itz own niche area it plays to and people can get. Take out either Sony or MS and theyll have a monopoly over your basic gamer unless people willingly switch to Nintendo which doesnt go as heavy towards what the other two systems offer game wise.

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Lint, you dont read do you? You can even make it not listen for someone saying Xbox on...

Hard drives the solution is buy an external as they have a USB 3.0 port in the back you can add terabytes of extra storage to so you can still add space to it.

Ok..it can be made to not listen..fine

Hard drives still not an "easy solution"...external hard drives still cost more then internal laptop drives that the PS4 use. Still cheaper for the PS4.

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At the end of the day, it's microsofts console and they can do what they like with it, charge what they want for it and restrict whatever they want. They're under no obligation to bend to the whim of every gamer with a bone to pick.

That said, they've still gone about it horribly, they've alienated a part of their consumer base for no reason, as the money they're grabbing would likely be offset by the loss in revenue from people switching to PS4. Which is exactly what you should do if you're not happy with the XB1. I will be for sure.

The console exclusives will hurt to miss out on but I don't agree with MS's policy here and think they've done more harm than good, but it's their machine so they can keep it.

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I see what it said about the kinect but that thing still scares me and it said Dead Rising will listen for if make a loud noise and make the Zombies hear? I don't want that nonsense. What if the kids yell? Or I get a phone call? Or if I want to tell the game to fuck off? I don't want my game to have the ability to get offended if I curse at it because I curse at it a lot!

Any kinetic functions can be turned off.

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