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NFL 2023


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1 hour ago, GhostMachine said:

I'm of too minds regarding Rodgers' injury: As a human being I hate to see anyone get hurt *, but as a Rodgers hater? Adios, Motherfucker! Please consider retirement.

* Wouldn't say that if Ray Rice had ever been allowed to play again. After seeing the elevator footage, I would've wished for something bad to happen to that asshole.

I drafted him as possible trade bait in one of my fantasy leagues, but its no skin off my nose that he's done for the season. Funny thing is, I'm going after Jordan Love now.

I'm still stunned at what THE Dallas Cowboys did to the Giants! I expected Dallas to win, but more like a 7 to 10 point win, not a shutout thumping. And, of course, I've seen a lot of Giants fans blaming the whole thing on Daniel Jones. Lets not forget that the Giants' kicking team and O-Line are to blame, as well.

Next time you leave can you just stay gone?

Your post history if full of you wishing injury on people and other weird violent fantasies.  You can’t even claim you don’t want to see anyone get hurt without immediately clarifying that yes, in fact, you do.  I’ll echo what countless others have said to you regarding this; just shut the fuck up about it.

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2 hours ago, Maxx said:

Next time you leave can you just stay gone?

Your post history if full of you wishing injury on people and other weird violent fantasies.  You can’t even claim you don’t want to see anyone get hurt without immediately clarifying that yes, in fact, you do.  I’ll echo what countless others have said to you regarding this; just shut the fuck up about it.

I would never wish for someone to get hurt, but Aaron Rodgers did ruin whatever Danica and I had together. :angry:

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3 hours ago, Maxx said:

Next time you leave can you just stay gone?

Your post history if full of you wishing injury on people and other weird violent fantasies.  You can’t even claim you don’t want to see anyone get hurt without immediately clarifying that yes, in fact, you do.  I’ll echo what countless others have said to you regarding this; just shut the fuck up about it.

I have NEVER wished injury on anyone. I made a comment about Tony Romo that someone (I believe it may have been YOU in fact) took out of context back when he got that contract extension that said it looked like a career ending injury was the only way he was going away, despite him being crap in the postseason. Because that showed there was no way Jerry Jones was getting rid of him.

I didn't wish injury on Rodgers. In fact, I'd rather he go out not accomplishing anything than retire with an injury, but I *am* hoping it makes him consider not coming back. I also don't buy that they were automatically contenders with him, but they definitely are not if Wilson takes over the rest of the season. I'm not sure about the Bills now, either, the way Allen is playing.

However, I *will* own my comment about Ray Rice. After the heinous act he did in that elevator, he deserved (and deserves) anything bad that happens to him. He's THE exception.


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Sure thing guy, it’s not something you’ve done multiple times over the years, and have been called out for by multiple different members of the board when you do it.  No one gives a shit about your weirdo fantasies of violence and vigilante justice, no matter how much you clear about someone “deserving” it.  And you don’t just do it in football threads.

But you choose to play ignorant to your own history because you can’t EVER admit you’re wrong, and absolutely can’t help yourself from spewing that stupid shit.  It’s 2023 and you’re randomly bringing up Ray Rice, purely so you can talk about how much you wish violence upon him.  You have issues.  It’s blatantly obvious you don’t ever plan on working on or addressing those issues, so maybe do the next best thing for everyone else on the board and keep your stupid, weird comments to yourself.

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Nathaniel Hackett could’ve sat the year out collecting a check from the Broncos and instead he’s stuck coaching Zach Wilson.

On this day last year, Hackett decided to not use any timeouts in the final minute or try to get closer and instead let the clock run down to attempt a 64 YARD FIELD GOAL with Brandon McManus when the game wasn’t even being played in Denver.

Never before have I felt certain that an head coach was clearly terrible and after one single game.

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Justin Jefferson:  5,134 career receiving yards (52 games played, 24 years old, just started his 4th season)
Johnny Morris:  5,059 career receiving yards (121 games played over 10 seasons from 1958 - 1967)

Johnny Morris is the Bears' career receiving leader and Jefferson's already passed him.

I know the Bears have historically been a run and defense first team.  They're the only NFL team that never had a 4,000 yard passer in the 16-game era.  And their best QB over that entire era was Jay Cutler.  But that stat is still mind blowing.

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