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8 minutes ago, #BROKEN Busch said:

How many years must Jerry Reese see his team get burned by tight ends every game before he realized he needs to actually draft some damn linebackers?

The day we have an O-line

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Thank you Arizona for clinching Dallas a berth to the playoffs now.


Maxx I got a question for you. Is it just one game between tonight and next week we need Seattle to lose while also beating Giants if possible to clinch home field come next week or would we need Seattle to lose a specific one between these two or would it have to be both?

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I didn't really expect the Giants to win today - the Ravens were really the only good team they'd beaten during their six game winning streak.  The defense had been playing out of their minds but hadn't had a test quite like Ben, Bell, and Brown.  Offensively they've looked like a mess for weeks and if the Bad Eli shows up like he did tonight, they've got no shot.

Fortunately, Washington, Philly, and Minnesota all lost this weekend too.  Would've liked to have seen Tampa lose as well for some extra padding but that's partially offset by the Falcons losing, one of those teams will take the NFC South but whoever loses out will stay a Wild Card threat.

I'm keeping one eye on the Packers who are getting healthier and have the head-to-head tiebreaker over the Giants.  I thought they needed to win their last 6 and they've got 2 down.  If anybody can rally the team, it's Rodgers.  Not too worried about them yet as they have to play Seattle next week but if they can take down Seattle I think they could come all the way back to force their way in.

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Dallas/Tampa Bay flexed to Sunday Night Football for Week 15.  So that'll be back to back Sunday night games for Dallas and four straight night games total as they played Thursday night last week and Monday night Week 16.

Because of this, Eagles/Cowboys Week 17 isn't eligible to be flexed but it was unlikely to be as NBC wants to pick a game with clear playoff implications.  Dallas will have the 1 seed sewn up by then and the Eagles' season is likely to be finished.

Looking at the Week 17 games the two that seem most likely to be flexed are Giants/Washington (ugh) or Packers/Lions.  The former would be if it's a win-or-go-home game for a Wild Card spot.  The latter could be chosen if Detroit stumbles and Green Bay can make a late charge for the NFC North.  Texans and Titans could very well be playing for the AFC South but I doubt NBC wants anything to do with that dumpster fire.  The AFC South's playoff game will almost certainly get the early Saturday slot.

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