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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2013 (E3)

King Ellis

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I think "incremental improvements" is probably the best way of putting it, and the kind of wording I've been looking for - the majority of stuff we know about the PS4 is just kind of inevitable improvements in technology, rather than a substantial development. And that's fine - I've long since been of the "just make the best games console you can" frame of mind rather than caring too much about bells and whistles - but it doesn't make for a strong presentation when all you have to say is "our new console has improved in line with relevant improvements in technology!".

Yes, a lot of the other stuff is bells and whistles and gimmickry, but it helps to have a hook.

People are saying used games shouldn't be a selling point but it is a really big deal. I mean most of the time the only way we afford a new game is trading another one in.

For me it's more...it's not a selling point, because it's what we have. "It can play used games!" isn't a new feature, but because the X-Box One is limited in that regard, Sony have managed to spin it as one, and are getting praised for something that we've always just taken for granted. It's good spin, but I just can't help but think that without the potshots at the X-Box, we would have seen a very different, and much shorter, Sony presentation.

Basically...it's a selling point if you're of the mindset that you need to own either a PS4 or an XBox One. I could probably manage without either, so for someone like me, they need to work a little harder to sell their product than just telling me that it's not as bad as another, similar product I have no intention of buying.

At the moment, I've seen nothing to convince me away from the WiiU should I ever buy a next-gen console.

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The PS4 is clearly better than the XBone. The question is whether it's enough of an improvement over the PS3 for me to spend $400. I've got enough of a backlog that I can play games that are new to me for a long time without upgrading. Plus I like revisiting old games. I hope PS4 wins the war quickly for the sake of consumer freedom in regards to used games and stuff, but I won't be jumping on for a while.

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My insight into how successful PS4's E3 presentation was - the last few weeks I've been telling my husband that we need to invest in a nice gaming PC and start moving away from the consoles, because I was dead sure that PS4 was going to have identical features to XBOX One. After the E3 presentation, I turned to him and said "well... I mean... maybe we could get a nice gaming PC AND the PS4." I am assuming the E3 presentation was the same way for many people - it sold them on buying the console. With the price point, I could even see myself buying it at launch... which is something I've never done before.

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Now Mario Kart lets you race underwater and sideways whilst on walls. I think that last one would make me slightly ill.

And upside down!

Wouldn't racing upside down really screw you up? Left and right would switch and you'd end up crashing into a wall.

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